
Center for Emerging Technologies


The Center for Emerging Technologies is LEED silver certified for core and shell development. This multi-tenant facility is 60,000 square feet and is home to various companies representing the automotive industry.

Sustainable Sites

The Center for Emerging Technologies was designed and construction using sustainable methods. Sustainable or ‘Green’ buildings are those that efficiently use energy, water, and material. These facilities reduce the negative impact on health and the environment.

Water Efficiency

The Center for Emerging Technologies uses native plant species allowing for minimal irrigation requirements. These efforts contributed to a 50% reduction reduction of potable water resources needed for landscape irrigation.

Indoor Air Quality

To ensure the indoor air is of the highest quality, carbon dioxide monitors are located throughout the building. Additionally, all adhesives, sealants, paints, coatings, composite wood products and carpets meet the safety standards for low VOCs (volatile organic compounds).


The Center for Emerging Technologies has designed areas for the collection, separation, and storage of recyclables. Recycling was also considered during the construction of the facility with over 20% of the total value of building materials containing recycled content, and 75% of construction waste being diverted from landfills and incineration facilities.

Energy Efficiency

The Center for Emerging Technologies uses high efficiency HVAC units for building cooling and heating. In addition, interior light fixtures use high-efficiency bulbs that conserve energy and are controlled by motion sensitive occupancy sensors. These design features allow for 14% energy savings.

Water Use Reduction

The Center for Emerging Technologies utilizes low flow restroom fixtures with occupancy sensors. These features attain a 40% reduction in water consumption.

Alternate Transportation

Public transportation is available to the Center for Emerging Technologies on the CU-ICAR campus within ¼ mile of the facility. The CU-ICAR shuttle provides access to the Clemson Area Transit System to the main Clemson University campus as well as to the municipalities of Clemson, Pendleton, Central, Seneca and Anderson. The Greenlink St. Francis shuttle provides access to the City of Greenville public transportation system.

LEED-CS® 2009 – Building Statistics

Completion Date: July 2011
Cost: $6.5 Million
Size: 60,000 gross square feet
Footprint: 24,000 square feet
Construction Type: R&D Laboratory & Office
Lot Size: 2 acres
Occupancy: 120