
Archive for the ‘RSS News’ Category

ExxonMobil sponsors Deep Orange sustainability concept vehicle at Clemson University

December 6th, 2018

Clemson University students are partnering with industry leaders in an effort to create sustainable solutions for the lifecycle of vehicles. Sponsored by ExxonMobil, graduate automotive engineering students in the university’s flagship Deep Orange program will develop a next-generation sustainable concept vehicle. Read the rest of this entry »

Clemson students unveil 600-horsepower hybrid race car prototype

October 6th, 2018

Students at the Clemson University International Center of Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) unveiled their newest Deep Orange concept vehicle, sponsored by Honda R&D Americas Inc. (HRA). After two years, the 19-student team unveiled the high-performance, fuel-efficient motorsports prototype at the ALL-IN Auto Rally Ride & Drive event at Clemson University Saturday, Oct. 6. Read the rest of this entry »

CU-ICAR to unveil Deep Orange 9 at campus pop-up autocross event

September 18th, 2018

Clemson University students will have a chance to show off their driving skills and take hot laps with professional drivers on a professionally designed pop-up autocross course Saturday, Oct. 6, at a campus parking lot. Read the rest of this entry »

Youngsters learn value of preserving Earth while building autonomous boats at CU-ICAR

June 27th, 2018

A boat that drives itself and picks up trash from the ocean? That’s the stuff of science fiction, but it’s reality for a dozen lucky Upstate elementary, middle and high school students who are building their own autonomous boats in a Clemson University summer camp. Read the rest of this entry »

CU-ICAR to host SAE Automated and Connected Vehicle Testing Symposium

May 14th, 2018

Automotive experts say today’s smart vehicles are generating upwards of one gigabyte of information every second. So the question is: How do you collect all that data and what do you do with it? Read the rest of this entry »

Srikanth Pilla of Clemson University accepts Young Scientist award from Gov. Henry McMaster

April 11th, 2018

Gov. Henry McMaster is honoring a Clemson University researcher who has quickly become a leader in the technology behind composite materials, part of a fast-growing industry that has brought South Carolina thousands of new jobs and investment in the billions of dollars. Read the rest of this entry »

Ford Motor Company to sponsor Clemson Deep Orange 10 autonomous vehicle prototype

April 9th, 2018

Ford Motor Company will sponsor the 10th generation Deep Orange vehicle prototype designed and conceived by automotive engineering students at the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR). Read the rest of this entry »

Key source of auto industry talent wins rare honor

March 14th, 2018

A professor who is based in Greenville and plays a key role in supplying the automotive industry with engineers is bringing home an honor that goes to a small percentage of mechanical engineers. Read the rest of this entry »

New CU-ICAR leader plans to grow Clemson automotive research and education

February 19th, 2018

GREENVILLE, South Carolina — The visionary who gave rise to Clemson University’s Restoration Institute (CURI) in North Charleston has been named associate vice president for Strategic Initiatives and executive director of Clemson University’s International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) in Greenville.

Nikolaos “Nick” Rigas, the former executive director of CURI, will lead the 250-acre campus strategically focused on automotive and motorsports research. The campus offers a two-year program serving nearly 200 students from all over the globe pursuing graduate degrees in automotive engineering.

“I’m really excited for the opportunity to lead CU-ICAR into the future,” Rigas said. “To work with Clemson on the larger initiatives again, it’s really invigorating.”

Nikolaos “Nick” Rigas has been named associate vice president for Strategic Initiatives and executive director of the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research.

Rigas said his vision is not just to oversee the daily operations of CU-ICAR but also to work closely with industry and to listen what they have to say. He also plans to leverage the resources in the automotive engineering department and the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences to grow the research and education programs.

“Let’s be honest, when industry engages with us, their primary concern is what can we do for their workforce,” Rigas said. “By keeping that in mind, it helps shape what we do both on the educational and research side here at CU-ICAR. If we’re going to be developing the engineers of the future, we want to make sure they’re properly prepared to meet those needs.”

Rigas points to advanced manufacturing as a real point of emphasis for the university. With companies like BMW, Bosch, Volvo and now Samsung locating plants in South Carolina, the opportunities for growth in this area are plentiful.

The St. Louis native replaces Fred Cartwright, who headed CU-ICAR for the past six years.  Rigas reports to Angie Leidinger, Clemson’s vice president for external affairs, and Tanju Karanfil, vice president for research.

“He’s ramping up quickly,” said Zoran Filipi, chair of the automotive engineering department and executive director of the Carroll A. Campbell Graduate Engineering Center at CU-ICAR. “In particular, Nick embraced the vision for the new umbrella organization in manufacturing, the Center for Advanced Manufacturing and is on the forefront of discussions regarding plans for the expansion of the Greenville campus.”

Rigas formerly served as vice president of EcoEnergy in Chicago as well as director of South Carolina Institutional Studies at Clemson. Before that, he was the director of operations and technology for the FMC Corporation, where he led the expansion of lithium manufacturing capabilities in India, Argentina and China. Most recently, he oversaw the construction and completion of the $110 million CURI SCE&G Energy Innovation Center which features the brand-new $21 million Zucker Family Graduate Education Center.

“Nick has already done wonderful things for Clemson with the vision and realization of the Energy Innovation Center and Zucker Family Graduate Education Center in Charleston,” Leidinger said. “By utilizing his ability to bring together the great minds within the university as well as strategic corporate and international partners, I fully expect he will be able to take CU-ICAR along the same path as the automotive world enters one of the most consequential transitions in history.”

“A seasoned business executive and research scientist, Dr. Rigas brings vast experience with industry and government collaborations that be will valuable to the ongoing success of CU-ICAR,” said Karanfil.

“So far, it’s been great working with university staff and key leaders, not just on the day-to-day operations at CU-ICAR but on the larger initiatives as well,” Rigas said. “I couldn’t be more excited for the direction we are heading here.”

Rigas earned his bachelor’s degree from Missouri University of Science and Technology in 1984, his master’s degree from Kansas State University in 1988 and his doctor of science from Washington University in St. Louis in 1991.


Read more at https://newsstand.clemson.edu/mediarelations/new-cu-icar-leader-plans-to-grow-clemson-automotive-research-and-education/


CU-ICAR is leading the way in building the automotive engineer of the future

February 8th, 2018

The world is at the cusp of one of the fastest, deepest, most consequential disruptions of transportation in history. Read the rest of this entry »